be well esthethic by carolina martínez

Hyaluronic Acid - Non-surgical Nose Job

The non-surgical nose job with Hyaluronic Acid is a cosmetic treatment that does not require surgery or surgical invasion. This option is an alternative for correcting aesthetic imperfections in patients who prefer to avoid surgical procedures.

modelo recibiento tratamiento de estetica y belleza be well

What does the non-surgical nose job with Hyaluronic Acid entail?

The non-surgical nose job is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that does not produce pain or cause any disability in the patient.

The procedure involves modifying the nasal angles through the application of Hyaluronic Acid fillers at strategic points of the nose, based on the patient's needs. Results are immediately visible after the treatment is performed.
book a session
modelo recibiento tratamiento de estetica y belleza be well

Non-surgical nose job


15 - 30 min


12 months

